Turn Industry 4.0 into reality with seamless integration between IT and OT
By admin December 15, 2014 12:39 pm IST
With the rapid evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), one can assume that almost every company would have a plan for connecting automation and business systems.
IHS estimates that the number of Internet connected devices in the industrial automation sector will increase more than fiftyfold from 2012 to 2025 – at a compound annual growth rate of 36.3 per cent.
Yet surprisingly low levels of integration were found between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT). Only 14 per cent of executives say that all plant-floor data is integrated with enterprise systems; about a fourth have little more than half of their plant-floor machinery (not including computers) Internet-enabled; and 30 per cent reported that none of their equipment is Ethernet-enabled.
The future of industrial automation is inextricably tied to the rise of Internet Protocol (IP) technology and an infrastructure that can accelerate the IoT revolution.
Around the world, forward-thinking companies and governments understand the need for investment. In Germany, the federal government is underwriting Industries 4.0, also referred to as “Industry 4.0,” to help industries harness the intelligence generated by the IoT to optimise processes, increase efficiencies and spur innovation.
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