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OEM Update

Siemens Drive Technologies: one-stop shopping for drive train

By April 12, 2014 5:54 am IST

“With our integrated drive systems, we have what the market is looking for,” Wolfgang Weissler, Vice President, Drive Technologies, Siemens Ltd.
Siemens has been present in India for more than a century and manufacturing motors for the market since 1966. Today, the company is able to provide innovative and integrated products and systems for the manufacturing and process industries as well as the energy and infrastructure segments. In an exclusive interview with OEM Update, Wolfgang Weissler shares why there is hardly any other company that has the same complete portfolio as Siemens Drive Technologies (DT) Division.
Drive Technologies is a major business division of Siemens. How is the recent demand-supply scenario?The current economic situation in India does not show GDP growth what we all would like to see. The pre-election phase slows down government investments, and the private sector will wait for the election result before launching new projects. There is certainly significant money waiting to be invested into India. We will see the results not before the last quarter of 2014. To bridge the time, India’s industry is focusing on productivity improvements to be ready when business picks up again. We are happy to offer solutions which would help our customers improve their productivity. We also expect a growth beyond the general GDP for the foreseeable future. As India catches up with China and the other Asian markets, improving ‘productivity’ will be one of the key drivers for the years to come.
With our integrated drive systems, we have what the market is looking for — an offering that allows for higher productivity, shorter time to profit and lower energy consumption.
What is your market share in this business?Being a listed company, we cannot reveal sector- or division-specific market shares. Siemens has been present in India for more than a century and manufacturing motors for the market since 1966. Given this lineage and our in-depth understanding of the local needs, we are able to provide innovative and integrated products and systems for the manufacturing and process industries as well as the energy and infrastructure segments. We address key industry priorities to help our customers reduce costs and strengthen their competitiveness in productivity, energy efficiency and reliability. There is hardly any other company that has the same complete portfolio as Siemens Drive Technologies (DT) Division. DT caters to an extensive range of verticals, including metal and metal products, capital goods, chemical, textile, cement, oil and gas and power generation.
You launched the integrated drive systems initiative in 2012; how is the concept catching up in India?We made the official launch of IDS in the Hannover Fair in April 2013. It is a new approach to drive technology and the world’s first true one-stop solution for entire drive trains. The concept is being well received and appreciated by our customers, especially from sectors where power ratings are high. This is because savings through IDS will be substantial therein.
We also foresee demand coming from material handling and cement and from OEMs who see the benefits in engineering time when shifting to Siemens IDS. Equally, we see more and more small machines coming into the market, which would be built based on IDS because of the “one-stop shop” and the single point of contact. I would say the range of potential applications is virtually endless.


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