Sewage recycle in housing colonies by Aquachem
By admin January 13, 2015 12:15 pm IST
In India water is a highly subsidised commodity leading to market inefficiencies and hence inefficient use of the already scarce resource. Recycling and reuse of domestic sewage is occurring since historical times in India, especially for plantation. But treatment and reuse of sewage emanating from large housing complex has remained very limited in the country, but picking up now.
Benefits of promoting sewage recycling/reuse as a means of supplementing water resources and avoidance of environmental degradation needs to be recognised and publicised such that it becomes motivational and voluntary action rather than a compulsion from the statutory bodies.
Key drivers • Limited and decreasing freshwater sources • Environmental concerns: Sewage recycling supports the environmental cause by: • Minimising the potentially negative impact of nutrients released into the other water bodies • Conservation of fresh water for other uses; • Satisfying the demand from the general community to have greener water strategies and water conservation • Economic reasons
Case study of housing complex in Mumbai A large housing complex in Mumbai decided to undertake recycling of treated sewage for toilet flushing and gardening, landscaping etc. This case study indicates that logical decision of spending enough capital and operating expenses for treatment, a little addition could enable the users to recycle the treated sewage for various purposes such as flushing, gardening etc. thus reducing the fresh water intake as well as result in less treated sewage discharge to the environment.
Key points:• Plant commissioned and in operation since November 2010 • Present case study is of a Mumbai-based housing complex in suburbs • Housing colonies with 17 towers, 73 flats/tower and over 6,200 people• Water supply rate: 140 lpcd • Total water supply: 870 cu.m/day • Wastewater/sewage generation: 750-800 cu.m/day • Effluent conveyance system: sewage carrying pipes
Treatment options and its selection Based on various technology options available and deliberations, finally selected treatment option was Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) based on the factors: quality requirements, financial issues, low space requirements/availability and relative ease of operation.
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