Imaginarium fulfilled growing demand by augmenting capacity
By admin June 17, 2013 11:24 am IST
“Manufacturers from the United States, Europe and Australia are already investing heavily in AM as they sincerely believe that it will bring manufacturing advantage back to developed countries”
– Guruprasad K. Rao, CEO, Imaginarium India Pvt. Ltd.
Imaginarium India enables and supports product design through rapid prototyping and rapid tooling — popularly known as 3D printing or additive manufacturing (AM). The company assists in new product design, helping in verifying form, fit and function by providing high-fidelity prototypes that provide early feedback. Guruprasad K. Rao talks about AM industry and why India can’t miss the boat on this.
AM industry in IndiaIn India, the AM industry has grown rather slowly as compared to world trends. This may be because of the conservative nature of the Indian industry, which is typically a late adopter of new technology. Nevertheless, with global competition increasing, India too has warmed up to the AM industry, although growth seen in the recent past has been reactive.
Today, the industry lacks in proper government policies and initiatives to promote and facilitate the growth of the AM industry. The industry association RPSI (Rapid Prototyping Society of India) could not promote it adequately, let alone push for any policy debate. The industry also has yet to see if the newly created AMSI (Additive Manufacturing Society of India) can foster any change.
The AM industry has not grown to its full potential despite India being one of the best destinations for industrial growth in the world. Need to see if 2013-14 can change this trend; however, the potential exists without any doubt. Manufacturers from the United States, Europe and Australia are already investing heavily in AM as they sincerely believe that it will bring manufacturing advantage back to developed countries. Even China is also aggressively developing an AM ecosystem. India needs to wake up to this.
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