Handle hard water with SCALETRON
By admin February 11, 2013 10:25 am IST
Handle hard water with SCALETRON
Hard water contains calcium and magnesium salts which tend to precipitate inside the pipes, in geysers, taps and fittings thus choking the equipment apart from causing personal discomfort to hair and skin. In high hardness areas the 24″ municipal lines have been reduced to 1″ lines due to precipitation of these salts.
Nowadays most homes have concealed pipelines. If these pipelines get choked, they need to be removed and a fresh pipeline should be put in place. This leaves ugly scars on the walls which can only be removed by re-plastering the entire wall.
RemedyThe hardness of salts can be removed by a process of softening the water, whereby these calcium and magnesium salts are exchanged for sodium salts which do not precipitate inside fittings. These water softeners require periodic dosing of salt into the softener, which not every house owner is capable of. The water also becomes corrosive by this process and the householder instead of facing a problem of hard water scaling, faces a problem of corrosion of pipelines. If the pipelines corrode, then water leakages begin, thus damaging the structure of the house apart from damp walls with wall paint peeling off.
Clearly this remedy is worse than the problem as corroded pipes cannot be made new, whereas scaling can be removed.SolutionSCALETRON offers a cheap and ready solution to the problem of hard water scale. SCALETRON prevents the formation of hard water scale by a combination of pressure changes, turbulence and galvanic action which cause the dissolved scaling salts to be precipitated as fine colloidal particles which pass through the system without depositing as scale. The SCALETRON can be fitted in the existing pipeline after the booster pump and before the overhead tank to prevent lime scale choking.
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