3rd Manufacturing IT Summit attracted 150 IT leaders
By admin July 12, 2013 7:01 am IST
The 3rd edition Manufacturing IT Summit 2013 was held on May 18th in Mumbai. The focused, content-rich summit was designed for IT leaders from manufacturing sector across India. The summit attracted more than 150 decision makers from information technology department from all over India. It also presented the keynote presentations and panel discussions featuring top industry experts and leading service providers.The objective of this summit was to explore the top priorities for CIOs, trends to watch and to impact for the year 2013. It examined the key aspects, issues related to manufacturing sector and their applications as business drivers for innovation and growth.The speakers in 3rd edition were the renowned IT leaders not only from India but also from all over the world. Andrew Nelson, Global Practice Leader, Honeywell Advanced Solution from Canada has experience of more than 25 years on large-scale information system projects. He was one of the leading speakers of the summit. The summit also had the speakers from Sanofi India, CommScope Solutions, RSPL, Vision Solutions, AurionPro Solutions, Colgate-Palmolive, Siva Industries & Holdings, etc. The speakers discussed about the opportunities that lie within and present solutions to help the industries benefit their businesses.The summit discussed about some of the issues and latest inventions in the Indian manufacturing industry. The leading IT strategists delivered the visionary presentations, real-life case studies and interactive sessions with businessmen and media.
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