“WQIA committed to enhance water quality”
By admin May 18, 2016 11:18 am IST
In India, more than 100 million people dwell in areas of poor water quality. Rajul Parikh, Director of Alfaa UV and President at Water Quality India Association observes that at present industries are not sufficiently treating their waste water or industrial effluents before discharge. Edited excerpt from her Q&A with OEM Update:
In India, both groundwater and surface water are often contaminated beyond permissible limits. Being the President of Water Quality India Association, what’s your commitment to the water being polluted through industrial activities?Water Quality India Association (WQIA) is dedicated to improving the quality of drinking water in India through household and commercial drinking water systems. The objective is to raise awareness about drinking water quality and to raise standards of the industry by education, training and certification of products. Water polluted by industrial activity is not directly within the scope of WQIA.
Where does the Indian industry stand in terms of maintaining water quality post usages?At present industries are not sufficiently treating their wastewater or industrial effluents before discharge. In fact, the percentage of wastewater from industries which is treated is relatively low. This water is discharged into water bodies or into the ground and pollutes the ground water with micro-organisms and chemical pollutants.
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