Our products complement the entire machining setup of manufacturing process
By OEM Update Editorial January 4, 2023 3:56 pm IST
With good investments happening in machine tool industry India, most of the manufacturers are upgrading themselves with 5G technology etc., to cater to the customer base.
AMT group company and business activities
AMT group came into existence in 1982. The company consists of three different organizations: Ahire Machine Tools Private Limited, Machine House India Pvt. Ltd., and Globtech Metal Crafts Pvt. Ltd. All these companies work in three different verticals. Particularly, Globetech is into a contract manufacturing unit where we do manufacturing for the switchgear industry for the customers in Europe. Machines House India Private Limited has been associated with anti-vibration technology Germany for the last 22 years. It is into manufacturing and supplying anti-vibration solutions and systems to different industries. It majorly exports to a couple of other German associates. Ahire Machine tools is also associated with tapping machines solutions from Germany. We are putting solutions right from three axis to five axis in India for various customers and for some customers in Asia and Europe. We also have our own brand of drilling and tapping machines which we supply to rooms manufacturing institutes and various government agencies. All three organisations are working for the machine tool industry, with different product offerings carrying different technologies. We are exporting majorly to Germany, Singapore, Canada and some sales happening with Southeast Asian countries.
Factors influencing machine tool industry
Various factors are impacting the machine tool industry particularly – local or state level rules and regulations, the cost of power, the cost of labour, the kind of technology or industry being catered to. Good investments are happening in India is the ongoing trend hence, all the manufacturers are upgrading themselves to cater to this kind of customer base. Right now, even the world is looking at the Indian machine tool industry both from the economical and political front. So, these factors are beneficial for most of the manufacturers because they can learn from this and upgrade themselves. They can be preferred partners for Europeans or Asian companies where one can supply its products at particular quality with economical, reliable and viable products.
5G and technological advancements in machine tools industry
One of the factors affecting the machine tool industry is Manpower. Currently – lot of automation and information technology integration is happening. A lot of managing dashboards are done wherein the data is pulled, collaborated and presented in a rationalised format to analyse. In this scenario having a very good connectivity between the machine and the computer system is warranted as the data is very critical. So, the advancement with 5G technology will allow any management team to monitor this operational data right from manpower planning to machine utilisation, and the cost of components per machine. So, it is always better to have advanced technology for machines and good connectivity in the current scenario.
Product and services by AMT group
In India, we are focusing on two products majorly. One is the anti- vibration system and the solution is offered by Bilz Vibration Technology Germany. The other is workholding solutions in collaboration with Allmatic workholding solutions Germany. So, we offer various anti vibration system solutions for precise machines, sledge ray microscopes, and for EMC machines. So, fewer vibrations are felt on the ground and more accuracy can be achieved with the machines. Workholding solutions particularly for all the three axes and five axis are very critical to machines because the idea is that you clamp into the smallest portion of the component. So, these are the two major product ranges that we are focusing right now for the Indian market.
We believe in giving a solution rather than the product to the customer. Generally, we try to understand what exactly is the need and desire of the customer and then resolve issues. Based on this particular factor, we suggest some solutions; also provide try and testing facility to the customer for his decision to evaluate the cost that he will be investing.
Expectations from Laser World of Photonics and products for display
In this particular event, we will be presenting our big vibration technology based product ranges particularly, anti vibration tables and tabletop systems, which are very critical for any laser or photonic experiment. The machine operation on this particular technology is very sensitive to floor vibrations, because these systems do not create vibration on their own, but are impacted by outside vibration interference.
We will also be displaying products adhering to vibration technology essential for a particular industrial technology. Any laser or optic based system gets disturbed by vibration originating from the surroundings, and it is very critical for operation to get the desired return so, they need to be protected from these vibrations. All systems on display at this exhibition are designed in such a way that they can allow the end user to get the desired results for whatever machine they will operate. We already have a very good customer base for this particular industry in India as well as in Europe. So, particularly every customer visiting this event can visit us to understand what exactly we offer and if they have any requirements, we can analyse and provide a solution.
Evaluating demand and application of products
Now, the industry in India is ready to brace all the upcoming new demands. The product range that we have, complement the end user to get the desired end results. They can use this product to upgrade the entire machining process. They can use our products to upgrade the accuracy level of their manufacturing setup. So, it is critical for our products to complement the entire machining setup of the manufacturing process. All the product range that we have can complement the entire manufacturing setup. And, it is here we come into the picture for dealing with critical applications.
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