5 Reasons to attend Online Smart Factory Summit, Oct 20
By OEM Update Editorial October 16, 2021 12:39 pm IST
The industrial world is changing with the emergence of the smart factory. Industry 4.0 technologies such as Industrial IoT, big data analytics, artificial intelligence and robotics are enabling manufacturers to have a sustainable and profitable future.
Attend the virtual SMART FACTORY SUMMIT 2021 on Oct 20 (10am – 12 noon), and learn how to :
-Use statistical analysis, machine learning, and AI algorithms to process and analyse real-time data to identify process inefficiencies
-Enable flexible, customer-centric production and reduces operation and maintenance cost
-Build and operationalise digital twins using physics based machine models and real-time data-Reduce operation and maintenance cost as well as the impact of machine failures or process breakdowns
-Use technology and workflows that will help you go through the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Register now: https://bit.ly/3BjEzQS (There is no registration fee)
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