Wheel & air blasting for surface preparation
By admin July 11, 2016 6:12 pm IST
Shot blasting is a method used to clean, strengthen (peening), de-scaling, de-burring, de-rusting, de-sanding or cleaning in any form that uses metal, including aerospace, automotive, construction, foundry, ship-building, railways, and many others.
Shot blast machines are ‘self-destructive’. Though, they are designed to prevent wear, the same high energy blast wheel that propels the steel shot to clean parts, is unfortunately, also the same high energy that wears out the equipment.
Most of its components such as, bearings, gear reducers, pulleys, sprockets, etc. are the same parts used in most industrial machinery and require the same maintenance.The constant internal bombardment of steel shot and dusting created during the process differs a shot blaster from other industrial machines. This aggressive environment can become very detrimental to the machine without a meticulous and diligent operator and maintenance attention.
Airless: Wheel-BlastingWheel-Blasting directly converts electric motor energy into kinetic abrasive energy by rotating turbine wheel. The capacity of each wheel goes from approximately 60 kg per minute up to 1200 kgs per minute. With these scales of accelerated abrasive, wheel blast machines are used where big parts or large area of parts have to be cleaned.
Air-BlastingAir-Blasting machines can take form of a blast room or a blast cabinet, the blast media is pneumatically accelerated by compressed air and projects by nozzles onto the component. A special application, a media-water mix can be used; this is called wet-blasting. The blasting task determines the choice of the abrasive media; in most cases any type of dry or free running abrasive media can be used.
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