S.M. Jacob, General Manager – Sales, Schmalz India Pvt Ltd explains few benefits of Industry 4.0, IIoT adoption drivers and further company’s preparedness in the area of IIoT. Industry 4.0:…
Lokesh Saxena, Managing Director, DISA India Ltd Tomorrow’s interconnected factories will offer completely new opportunities for optimisation, as well as reducing energy consumption and waste at all stages of production.…
Experion Batch provides operators with improved visibility, simplified maintenance and faster validation. Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS) introduced a control technology solution that increases productivity for batch operations and speed-to-market of…
John Crane, a US-based global player in rotating equipment solutions and engineered technologies and services, inaugurated an upgraded state-of-the-art gas seal repair and test facility in Bengaluru. Launching the improved…
Bappa Bandyopadhyay, Director Operations and Projects, Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Today IIoT can establish better lines of command, eliminate machine downtime, increase operational efficiency, eliminate waste, provide cross channel visibility…
AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals has broken ground on a project to expand production capacity and upgrade its organic peroxides facility in Mahad, Maharashtra. Organic peroxides are essential for the manufacture of…
World’s biggest virtual warehouse: Virtual presentation of more than 150,000 products and services providing fully digital access to 3.5 million sq.m. of storage space at 271 international operating sites. Thyssenkrupp…
Ram Grover, Managing Director,Elesa and Ganter India Pvt Ltd An IOT enabled system will minimise error and also reduce the manpower required for the industry. This in turn results in…
Nilesh Karandikar, Managing Director,Fine Handling & Automation In future, one can expect a lot of data, historic and run-time, to give an edge to production, in addition to the machinery…
In the medical engineering world, the concept of cleanliness is primarily associated with microbiological contaminations. In order to protect both operatives and patients there has been a growing emphasis in…