“New simplicity of computed tomography”
By admin November 1, 2021 5:39 pm IST
Deliberating about software, Dr. Dominik Stahl and Dr. Petra Schmidt explore entering the world of CT technology with ZEISS METROTOM 1 CT Machine.
Computed tomography (CT) is often perceived ascomplex. It is significantly simplified with thelatest additions to the ZEISS X-ray portfolio: ZEISSMETROTOM 1 with the powerful GOM Volume Inspect software.The compact dimensions and convincing price/ performanceratio of the ZEISS METROTOM 1, as well as the ease-of-useof the GOM Volume Inspect software – with a continuousworkflow from data acquisition to inspection – makees iteasy to enter the world of industrial computed tomography
Customers’ expectation from ZEISS METROTOM 1 CTMachine
CT technology has not always been affordable, especially formedium-sized companies until now, says Dr. Dominik Stahl.Our goal was to develop an innovative product that makesit easy to get startedwith CT technology. It was meant tobe a measuring system, easy to use and flexible in terms ofthe parts and materials to be inspected. This is why the newsystem is a perfect complement for the ZEISS X-Ray Series,he adds.
Dr. Petra Schmidt remarks, innovative ideas have created aunique product with the potential to shake up and changethe market. This system makes it much easier for customersto get started with the rather complex CT technology. Withlittle experience, they can operate the CT and benefit fromthe advantages of X-ray technology. For example, they candetect internal defects or measure internal structures andwall thicknesses.
Talking about maintenance, Dr. Petra Schmidt mentions, in additionto its ease of use, ZEISS METROTOM 1 is also characterized by itscompact dimensions and low maintenance requirements. This meansthat even smaller companies can integrate the CT system intotheir measuring room without any problems. The low maintenancerequirements also help to keep operating costs as low as possible,making the overall price/ performance ratio of ZEISS METROTOM 1convincing.
Talking about potential benefits, Dr. Dominik Stahl states, with GOMVolume Inspect the new ZEISS METROTOM 1 benefits from softwarewhich is perfectly aligned with the hardware. This well-established,consistent solution for the acquisition of measuring data to theevaluation guarantees an easy operation.
GOM Volume Inspect
Deliberating about latest version, Dr. Dominik Stahl states, GOMVolume Inspect sfotware becomes even more versatile. In the latestversion, the software will be equipped with significantly more volumefunctions. This will allow many customer requirements to be met. Anadditional software for more detailed data analysis will no longerbe necessary for metrological evaluations. This saves costs for the customer.
Speaking about GOM Volme Inspect software, Dr. Petra Schmidtremarks that when it comes to metrological evaluation, GOM VolumeInspect is a very established software. Customers appreciate itspowerful features and it has a good, modern user-interface. Eventoday, some customers who own a CT from ZEISS use GOM VolumeInspect for evaluation. In the future, we will be able to offer all thisfrom one source, including training and service.
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