Tailored Advertisements in Shopping Mall using Facial Recognition Technology
By OEM Update Editorial July 17, 2017 12:27 pm
Technology has taken a huge leap into identification and authentication process through facial recognition. Nowadays, shopping malls are installing face-scanning technology to target advertisements to individual customers at the till. The advertising screen, positioned at till scans the eyes of customers to detect the age and gender of the viewer and then run the tailored advertisements.
In this technology, the advertisers use Amscreen’s camera to identify a customer’s gender and approximate age. Then after the matching process, the advertisement will be shown according to that demographic.
How it works
In a shopping mall, the advertisements are getting more innovative day by day. The use of facial recognition is the recent trend, increasing the effectiveness of out of home advertising. The advertisement plays on the LCD screen with a camera hidden, linked by software to analyze the demographic information about gender and age. This type of technology has the potential to change the ads as per the age and gender.
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