Winged Automation
By admin November 22, 2012 12:35 pm IST
Today all the fast growing companies are giving special attention to automation and up-gradation of plant and machinery with the latest technology. Looking to the demands of higher productivity, Crane-Bel has innovated the new generation broaching machine and hydraulic presses integrated with the innovative winged automation. “The Winged Automation System is incorporated with the latest technology for no production loss due to human inefficiencies and requiring no manual handling,” the company claims.
Crane-Bel is one of the leading designers and manufacturers of high performance machines with improved levels of precision, reliability and automation. The company is also honoured with various awards including National Award of Quality products for Outstanding Quality Machine Tools manufacturing in the country, National Award for R&D Efforts and National Award for Entrepreneurship.
With Winged Automation, the Broaching Machine operates in semi-automatic and full automatic modes, without the help of operator. Crane-Bel Winged Automation System provides the following additional features:• The automatic job carrying systems to transfers the job from the feeding line or a bin/hopper with the proper chute to the machine table.• An automatic job feeding systems to transfers the job from the carrying system to the broaching station.• An automatic job loading/positioning system.• Automatic Broach Handling system.• Automatic broaching operation.• Automatic job unloading system.• Automatic job carrying systems to transfers the job from the Unloading station to onward feeding line or a bin/Hopper.• Higher production rate.• Operator independent operation cycle.• Production monitoring to keep track of tool life and production record.• Consistency in quality.• No requirement of installing the Broaching machine in the deep pit.• No requirement of high platform for operator.• No manual job lifting and handling to the height of broaching station.• Easy access to the broaching area to simplify the tool change and setting.• Programmable Logic Controller for flexibility in controls, Poka Yoka and Automation.• Force monitoring system optional.• Hydraulic system integrated with world renowned equipment of Eaton Vickers.• Vertical internal broaching machines, surface broaching machines, custom-built broaching machines and high productivity hydraulic presses can be provided with the unique winged automation system.• Tooled-up automatic machine options are also available.
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